The Muses
Clio: Katrina Romanoski Melpomene: Nicole Simpkins Calliope: Amanda Meade Erato: Lindsey Jennings Euterpe: Katie Riley Thalia: Melanie Gross Terpsichore: Lia Paone Urania: Katherine Thorpe Polyhymnia: Anna Jacobs The Mortals Sonny Malone: Evan Henderson Danny: Benjamin Pratte Kitty: Faith Turnbull Young Danny: Connor Geib The Andrews Sisters Maxene: Anna Jacobs Patty: Jess Gambino LaVerne: Molly Ambrosio The Tubes Frontman: John Baranowski Faith Turnbull Lindsey Reid |
The Gods
Zeus: John Baranowski Hera: Karenna Rouse Hermes: Connor Geib Thetis: Katarina Lagodzinski Aphrodite: Lindsey Reid Eros: Introducing, Norah Brown Athena: Ali Buck Artemis: Meghan Dougherty Apollo: Kaylie Renschler Ares: Jess Gambino Poseidon: Wendy Doonan Hades: Ingrid Zeiner Demeter: Lindsay Rawson Persephone: Anna Subick Dionysus: Greta Zeiner Hephaestus: Faith Turnball Hestia: Sarah Goldbaum The Sirens Molpe: Olivia Davidson Himerope: Molly Ambrosio |